As the church, it’s the duty and responsibility of Christians to not rely on a handful of pastors and paid staff to fulfill the church’s calling to make disciples. Rather, we believe it’s important for all Christians to take ownership of their role in the church’s calling by participating in making disciples and growing as disciples. Life Groups are active groups and they server as the 3rd of 4 steps in the discipleship making process here at Cooper FBC. More than just a Bible study or a prayer group—though those are elements—members take the initiative to challenge our inclination to apathy by actively caring for one another, building friendships with one another, participating in serving Cooper and Delta county through The Hope House, Spirit of Giving, Christmas Shoe Box and other outreaches throughout the year, and learning more about the Bible and Jesus together. This moves the traditional dynamic of church as one of attendance to one of participation. Life Groups leads to real and lasting change both personally and in our families, community, and city. As the Lord grows our church, we continue to need new Life Group Shepherds. If you are interested in taking this next step of leadership, we encourage you to contact us and start the process in becoming a Life Group Shepherd. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, check out the information below or follow this link More Life Group Information.
3rd semester – March 29th – May 17th (Spring)
Life Group Frequently asked Questions
What are Life Groups ?
A Life Group gathering is a place where community happens. Community is one of the most precious gifts God offers men and women through the local church. As family we see it as our obligation to personally care for the needs of one another – both physically and spiritually. We disciple, nurture and hold each other accountable to living in line with the Gospel. Community is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being shared in open and authentic relationships. Community is the context God uses to change us and to grow us. One of our consistent prayers for the people of Cooper FBC is authentic Biblical community
How often does a Life Group gather?
Life Groups are broken into 4 semesters, each semester lasting 6-8 weeks. Each group will choose the day and time that they will meet and this information can be found on the Life Group Shepherd page. LG’s should meet at least once a week during a semester, but there may be some exceptions.
What about childcare?
Child Care will be left up to each group. There will be NO childcare provided for Life Groups by Cooper FBC.
What is the typical number of people in a Life Group?
Typical would be 12-16. Some are bigger and some are smaller. No group is too small and no group is too big.
Do people have to be in groups their own age?
No, but it is recommended. Being in a group with others near your own age gives you more opportunities to “do life together”, but is not a requirement.
Is there any financial cost?
There are usually some costs involved with helping to provide food or refreshments from time to time. Other costs may include social activities that the group does.
Do groups gather all year long?
Groups are encouraged to meet all year long, but are free to take breaks when appropriate and necessary (usually the summer). Each group is free to decide how often they meet and when they take breaks, understanding that biblical community is not a seasonal activity, but a lifestyle.
Step 1: Connecting People with God – Worship
Step 2: Connecting People with the Word – Sunday School
Step 3: Connecting People to Others – Life Groups
Life Groups are active groups. More than just a Bible study or a prayer group, though those are elements, members take the initiative to challenge our inclination to apathy by actively caring for one another, building friendships with one another, and serving others in Cooper and Delta County together: Hope House, Samaritan’s Purse, Block Parties and other outreaches throughout the year. This moves the traditional dynamic of the church as one of attendance to one of participation. We are a family. The Gospel is a deep and wide reservoir of riches (Ephesians 3:8). Community, or the creation of a new family, is one prime part of these riches. When God saves you, the good news is that He becomes your perfect Father.
George Gallup Jr. concluded from his studies and polls that Americans are among the loneliest people in the world. That statement is eye-opening when considering the ease of transportation, the availability of “connecting” technology, and the massive amount of people on the planet. Gallup also offered the following insight into isolation: We are physically detached from each other. We change places of residence frequently. One survey revealed that seven in ten do not know their neighbors. As many as one-third of Americans admit to frequent periods of loneliness….we believe the church is God’s primary means of addressing relational needs. Community is one of the most precious gifts God offers men and women through the local church. As family we see it as our obligation to personally care for the needs of one another – both physically and spiritually. We disciple, nurture and hold each other accountable to living in line with the Gospel. Community is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being shared in open and authentic relationships. Community is the context God uses to change us and to grow us. One of our consistent prayers for the people of Cooper FBC is authentic Biblical community.
Step 4: Connecting People to the World –
Personal Evangelism/Missions
Connecting People to God, the Word, Others and to the World
We believe all four components are critical and necessary to make disciples. If you take any one of these components out, there is a barrier to effective disciple making. We use Life Groups as our important third step. All four steps must be centered on the Gospel.
Minister of Education/Young Adults
cell: 903-249-4981